Find the latest exchange rate today from below table.
Updated everyday.
Currency | Buy | Sell |
Pound (Cash) | 35000 | 36000 |
Pound (Transfer) | 35300 | 37000 |
USD | 26000 | 27700 |
EURO | 29000 | 30300 |
CAD | 20500 | 22500 |
TRY | 1800 | 1960 |
Coin and Gold | Buy | Sell |
سکه امامی | 12500 | 13200 |
نیم سکه | 6900 | 7250 |
ربع سکه | 3800 | 4190 |
طلا یک گرم | 1200 | 1215 |
مثقال طلای آبشده | 5100 | 5267 |
USDT (تتر) | 27000 | 28400 |
We provide all your financial requirements including.
Money transfer, Crypto currencies, and Money solution.
The process of exchange currencies in cash or through transactions. Providing useful information on the conditions and exchange rates in order to buy and sell foreign currencies.
We provide all your financial requirements including, money transfer.
crypto currencies, and money solution.
Buy and Sell British Pound with great rates.
Buy and Sell British Pound with great rates.
Buy and Sell British Pound with great rates.
Buy and Sell British Pound with great rates.
Buy and Sell British Pound with great rates.
Buy and Sell British Pound with great rates.
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Today, we are ecstatic to announce the launch of the Celer Inter-chain Message (Celer IM) Framework! Celer IM fundamentally changes how multi-blockchain dApps are built and used. Instead of deploying multiple isolated copies of smart contracts on different blockchains, developers can now build inter-chain-native dApps with efficient liquidity utilization, coherent application logic, and shared states.
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency created in January 2009. It follows the ideas set out in a white paper by the mysterious and pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto.The identity of the person or persons who created the technology is still a mystery. Bitcoin offers the promise of lower transaction fees than traditional online payment mechanisms do, and unlike government-issued currencies, it is operated by a decentralized authority.
Investing in Bitcoin (BTCUSD) can seem complicated, but it is much easier when you break it down into steps. Investing or trading Bitcoin only requires an account at a service or an exchange, although further safe storage practices are recommended.